– Avoid alcohol/Caffeine for 24 hrs before procedure
– Avoid the sun 72 hours before
– Avoid blood thinning medications for 72 hrs before Example; ibuprofen, aspirin and fish oil tablets.
– If considering Botox, it is best to have your brow tattooing done first or 2 weeks before your appointment.
– Don’t wax or tint your eyebrows
– If you have been taking acne medications such as Accutane/Retin-A within the last year your skin will not heal well.
– Wash your hair that morning – because you can’t get your healing tattoo wet you will need to avoid washing your hair.
-If you are getting your lips done you will need to take a cold sore preventive treatment for a week prior. Even if you have never had a cold sore outbreak, the virus may be lying dormant in your system and if so, tattooing lips can bring it out
– You don’t need to wear makeup to your appointment, as it will be removed at the site of the treatment
Relax! It’s not actually as scary as you might think. I even have people fall asleep during the procedure 🙂