Trust me have a read you will feel better XOXO
After care is very important for producing a beautiful and lasting result.
– Keep the area clean by using a cotton tip with warm water to wipe over the tattoo are. Please do not rub just gently wipe the area morning and night. Do
not use a washcloth or sponge to remove soap. Do not
use cleansing creams, acne cleansers or astringents. Do not use the same cotton tip for both brows as you may cross contaminate.
– Apply the aftercare ointment with a Q-tip twice a day. Use the ointment very sparingly. We prefer a “chapstick” amount vs. a “lipgloss” amount. Wipe off excess ointment with a clean Q-tip..
Never touch the procedure area without washing your hands immediately before.
– Do not scrub, rub or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready the pigment underneath it can be pulled out.
– After the 7 days healing period, always use a sun block after the procedure area is healed to protect from sun fading. Maintaining proper skin care is suggested to help keep your brows as
vibrant and fresh as possible. This means cleansing,exfoliating, and moisturizing the brow area is recommended.
– If you have any signs and symptoms of infections, we advise for you to seek medical care. These include but are not limited to: redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streak going from procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site.
– Avoid alcohol/Caffeine for 24 hrs before procedure
– Avoid the sun 72 hours before
– Avoid blood thinning medications for 72 hrs before Example; ibuprofen, aspirin and fish oil tablets.
– If considering Botox, it is best to have your brow tattooing done first or 2 weeks before your appointment.
– Don’t wax or tint your eyebrows
– If you have been taking acne medications such as Accutane/Retin-A within the last year your skin will not heal well.
– Wash your hair that morning – because you can’t get your healing tattoo wet you will need to avoid washing your hair.
-If you are getting your lips done you will need to take a cold sore preventive treatment for a week prior. Even if you have never had a cold sore outbreak, the virus may be lying dormant in your system and if so, tattooing lips can bring it out
– You don’t need to wear makeup to your appointment, as it will be removed at the site of the treatment
Relax! It’s not actually as scary as you might think. I even have people fall asleep during the procedure 🙂
Two treatments are usually needed, at least 4-8 weeks apart. Sometimes just one treatment is sufficient, but a touch-up appointment is highly recommended. With most procedures, the colour looks dramatically lighter after the first week. Some clients prefer this, while others opt for a bolder look. At the second treatment, we will assess the colour retention and make adjustments as necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! We can always go darker and add more density at your next appointment.
Cosmetic Tattooing, also called Semi-Permanent Makeup or Micropigmentation, is the process of implanting colour pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of a tiny, sterile, disposable needle to produce the appearance of cosmetic makeup or to enhance the natural features of the face.